Monday, March 2, 2009

Would it ever happen here in India?

The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
(Dylan, but of course!)

Frustation builds, I'm not happy about it.
Only occasionally though, hmm this is acceptable.
Things will happen like they do, now thats more like it.
Who gives a damn, there you go!

Perhaps these 4 lines I wrote might not make sense to you, which is good, I tell you. Good because you are a part of the majority, feel happy about it, feel comforted, feel fine.
Allright allright! I'll explain, that's the two egos of an Indian talking, to each other of course. Before the comma is the 'traditional' good ego, and after it is the 'modern' good Indian ego. That's it, the rest you have to decipher for yourself.
So when there is 'such' (aforementioned) situation prevailent in the country, for almost 60 years now, the question to be asked is ... would things ever change?
You fool, things changed, JP changed things. No sir he did not, he was bluffing! I'm really sorry I can't tell you exactly how he was bluffing, but he was, and he was bluffing bigtime. You might actually use you own brains and think, on this ... JP's sole aim was to topple the government, to oust Indira from Delhi, he didn't know (or care about) what would happen thereafter.
And what actually happened thereafter is part history, part history in the making. The freedom we were given in 1947 was misused badly enough by the Congress. The freedom JP gave us is still being misused by the Lalus and the Mulayams. Are these people really the giants that we hear from people, including the high and mighty, or did people really mis-judge them? Answer that for yourself.
Coming to our Tata-nano times, our habits have gotten worse, they were bad always. Our conscience stinks, we mask it with Gucci or/and Chanel 'fragrances', or Nycil or Pond's talcum powders for the aam-junta. We fart secularism, I'll tell you how, everyone does it, it stinks, and it pollutes the existing atmosphere. That isn't what secularism is supposed to be, whatever is preached here in the country, its called samjhauta (compromise). That's what is inside every Amar, Akbar, Anthony here in the country. The natives are 'doing' samjhauta with the ones that came later, the people of the lord are doing it till they spread (read convert) every other people, the followers of the last prophet (after whom God decided he won't make them anymore) are doing samjhauta for pretty much the same reason.
Its not funny for me, it might be for you, that a country who can be so united in celebrating a couple of Academy Awards hasnt been able to achieve much needed peace and harmony among its own people.
I feel bored now, would go and sleep, sorry if I hurt your sentiments, and sorry I would continue to do so in the future also, because this series will continue.
Yes I know you are trying, we are trying. Well, try harder. I wish life was as simple as it was in the school days, when we were supposed to be caned in the asses, we were caned in the asses, there were no two ways about it.